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Nursery Explore Space

Following the children's interests Nursery have been learning about Space. The children came up with their own enquiry questions that they wanted to find the answers to. 

Children explored the moon landing, finding out about the first people to walk on the moon. They were able to replicate this story in their small world play. 

They explored the use of forces to launch rockets, having lots of fun seeing how high they could launch their rockets. 

Children then had a go at building their own rockets using a variety of materials including junk modelling and 2D shapes. 

Taking a visit to the immersion room, Nursery took a step on to the International Space Station to explore what life might be like for an astronaut on board. 

Nursery looked at the art work of artist Peter Thorpe. His work focuses on space- painting planets and rocket ships. The children were influenced by his use of bright colours and experimented replicating these in different ways. 

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