Sky Arts Week 2024
This year children explored the theme of connection through a variety of different art forms. We began the week with a workshop with our Dads, where they were invited to join us for an arts activity (see our Fathers Day page for more photos).
Throughout the week each year group participated in a different arts activity linked to Sky Arts theme.
Nursery and Reception: Sounds
Nursery and Reception were inspired by the sounds of jazz this week. They listened to different examples of music, made their own musical instruments and also improvised their own versions of well known nursery rhymes. Nursery learnt a version of Row, Row Your Boat, and Reception improvised a version of Old MacDonald.
Year 1-3: 3D Art
Year 1-3 focused on 3D art, they explored different sculptures recreating their own using lego, playdough and junk modelling. For their main creations the children worked in groups to make a 3D shadow box scene.
"I loved painting and making the boxes. We worked together to make planets for our space scene." Lucas
"The sculptures were cool, I made one that looked like a person." Archer
Year 4-6: Photography
In Year 4-6 the children looked at how the film industry use film and and photography. They explored a range of careers that could use these creative skills. Using the ipads children explored different ways of taking photographs and then used technology to adapt and edit their photos, turning them into film posters.