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Rosie's Walk

Week beginning 6th March 2023

Last week:

We have had a brilliant first week back after half term with the children in Nursery , we are so proud of how they have settled back into the routines of Nursery and remembered our behaviour expectations – it’s like we were never away!

Last week, we started working on a new focus story ‘Rosie’s walk’ which we will be continuing this week in Nursery. This story has been perfect to kick off our ‘Down on the farm’ topic that we have started during Spring term 1. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning the story and retelling with actions, this was something that the children were particularly proud and shared for our parent event for World Bok day 2023, where they also performed a song they had been practicing throughout the week.

When the children returned back to Nursery, they were so excited to see how their beans had grown over half term , the adults set up an investigation station so the children could really watch the changes in the beans and secure knowledge of the life cycle of the plant. This has been a wonderful learning point and the children are using some amazing language to describe the changes they can see – some are still hoping to grow a bean stalk as big as Jack’s from our previous story ‘Jack and the beanstalk’.

The children focused on developing their fine motor skills through a cutting activity – the children cut our farm animals and used their knowledge to stick them onto the farm in the correct places e.g. the chicken in the henhouse and the pig in the mud sty. It’s so lovely to see that the children have already taken a keen interest in this topic and have already accrued knowledge before our trip to the farm! Continuing with their fine motor development, many of the children enjoyed spending time in the creative area , using feathers and brushes to paint Rosie the hen from our story , they were interested in the different textures and marks they could make with these resources, along with noticing the change to colours as the paint mixed.

Keeping the creative juices flowing, the children helped the adults make a hen house out of junk modelling materials to – they were so proud of their creation and added it to their small world area which they have begun using to retell the story through play.

Lots of our children enjoyed building their technology skills this week, using bee bots to navigate the route Rosie took on her walk around the farm. It was wonderful to see the children programme the bee bots and watch them move around, some also began to problem solve and reprogrammed the bee bots if they weren’t going where the children wanted them to.

Take a look at some of the wonderful activities the children took part in last week in the photographs below.


This week:

This week we are continuing to work on the story ‘Rosie’s walk’ , we will be looking more closely at the story thinking about the characters and their actions, along with learning more about maps.

If you would like to help your children at home, you could use Google Maps to look at the route the children take to school. Could they talk about where they travel on the map to get from home to school using some of their key vocabulary they have learnt such as forward, turn, over, through etc.

We are predicting another busy , fun filled week and we are very excited!

Well done on a fantastic start to the new term Nursery, we are so proud of you,


Mrs Taylor and Miss Malpass. 


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