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Harvest Festival October 2024

Our first Christian celebration of the new academic year was Harvest. This year we linked our Harvest celebrations to our worship value of compassion. 

The children have learnt the bible story, Jesus feeds the 5000. Ashley, Rosie and Theo helped to retell the story, showing how we can make a lot when we start with very little. 

This story inspired the children to donate food to the Black Country foodbank. We set ourselves a target to collect 500 pieces of food. As a school we smashed that target and collected 507 items of food, which after a blessing from Reverend Sarah, we were able to send straight to the foodbank. We also had a beautiful donation of bread from a parent to represent the story we had learnt so much about. 

Another bible story the children have learnt linked to compassion is the parable of The Good Samaritan. Samuel, Breakthrough and Ella helped to retell the story, using skills they had learnt in their African drumming sessions this half term. 

The parable helped us to consider who our neighbour is. We learnt we have neighbours close to us and world wide- so our second donation from harvest was a "sea of silver". Thank you to all our coins donated, together we collected £127 which we have sent to Save the Children, to support families affected by famine in Africa. 

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