Art Club Week 1
This week in art club our focus was on drawing. We completed different challenges such as drawing a self portrait in 1 minute, and drawing with our non-writing hand! We then learnt how animators draw different characters, and created our own versions of Spongebob Squarepants by following the animators guide.
Art Club Week 2
This week we looked at the painting style of Mondrian. We liked that he used bold colours and different shapes in his work. Using tape we marked out different shapes and spaces on our canvases and then used bright colours which we had mixed to fill in the spaces. We are very proud with how they have turned out!
Art Club Week 3
This week the children have been exploring 3D models using the media of clay. The children learnt to make a pinch pot for the body of their creature, and then experimented with different tools to create features such as eyes, legs, teeth and scales for their monsters, aliens and animals. When they are dry we will be adding colours for decoration.
Art Club Week 4
This week the children have been exploring digital art. They learnt to take photos on the ipads. We then looked at the app- Freeform which allowed use to manipulate the photos we had taken. Children added their own doodles, words and shapes to the photos.
Art Club Week 5
This week the children were focused on textiles. Using a range of different coloured wool the children learnt to weave using different strands to make different patterns. Some made rainbows just like our school logo.
Art Club Week 6
This week the children were practicing drawing people in different poses, using a stick figure to help them with posing their arms and legs. Inspired by the bright and colourful work of Keith Haring the children then added vivid colours and bold outlines to their energetic figures.