Animal Man Visit- Science
Year 3 and Year 5 received a visit from the Animal Man this week to support their science topics. The children were able to observe and handle a range of different animals including: hissing cockroaches, bearded dragons, California king snake, a Eurasian Scops owl and a skunk.
Through this experience the children learnt about the classifications of different animals, and the characteristics of different animal groups. They also looked at the life cycles of different animals and how this varied depending on their animal group.
"The skunk was really furry, but if he got mad the smell would stay with us until we were in Year 4!" Lola
"My favourite was the bearded dragon. He changes colour to show his feelings. He was orange so he was happy." Lucas
"I liked when he dropped the cockroach and it landed on the floor, they are so strong it wouldn't get hurt." Jayden